The Courage Course

From computer sciences to engineering, from entrepreneurship to marketing, from highly skilled trades to academia, men in our world have developed incredible competencies in relation to their careers, but many lack the knowledge, skill, and confidence to engage deeply with their spouses, children, friends, or God. In other words, our world trains for competencies in the marketplace, but lacks a basic curriculum for competency in places of relational significance. This leaves many men often feeling defeated, angry, and distant as the move away from relationship and toward places of greater competency. It is no wonder then, that men are reporting higher degrees of loneliness than at any point in recent memory. The Courage Course exists to stand in this gap, to be a resource for men who desire to be a transformative and life-giving presence in their homes, workplaces, churches, and communities. This course is an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and abilities to necessary to engage others with a confidence and depth that brings blessing and life to those around them.

Course Snapshot

  • 6 week course for men

  • Weekly audio lessons

  • Weekly prayer exercises

  • Weekly group meetings facilitated by Sam

  • Online option available (please contact us for details)


During the six weeks we will cover the following topics: the courageous man, the cowardly man, the lonely man, the insecure man, the driven man, and the new man. Explore together what true courage looks like as it relates to contemporary models of masculinity. Discover how your story has shaped the way you relate to God, to others, and to yourself. Uncover places of insecurity and the ways you are driven by guilt and shame. Learn how God has fashioned a new way to be a man in Christ and to allow God’s vision of masculinity to form your relationships in your homes, churches, workplaces, and communities. This is accomplished through listening to weekly audio lectures, engaging in weekly prayer exercises, and developing the skills of sharing openly and listening attentively to others in your group or online.

Cost: $149*per person

*Group discount available if you sign-up a whole group (4-6 people) together.

Dates: Fall 2020

In-Person: October 5th - November 9th

Online: Anytime