We are so grateful for your partnership!

We Need Your Help

We are trying to raise $3,500 a month (Total of $42,000 a year).

Your donations will go directly towards providing:

  • Scholarships for Hope House residents— Residence pay a monthly rate (rent), but this doesn’t fully cover the cost of running the program. Our desire is to keep this program as affordable as possible. In order to do that, we need help.

  • The Hope House Retreats — We do three retreats a year. On these retreats, young adult’s dive into their stories, past, and pain. These powerful retreats help them break free from lies and unhealthy patterns that keep them enslaved. Your donation will help make this life changing retreats, possible.

  • Launching the retreat center—We are trying to launch our first summer of retreats for ministry leaders and their wives. For this to be possible, we need your help to finish furnishing the house (We need 2 more beds, 8 night stands, rugs, 4 dressers, art, bedding, and towels). You can help us create a beautiful space for pastors and their wives to find rest, healing, and soul care. Your donation will also help us keep the cost of these retreats affordable for those in ministry.

THANK YOU for helping us!

We are a non-profit organization. You can give a one time or a regular monthly donation. Any amount helps us achieve our goal and provide service to those who are weary. $5, $10, $100 can make all the difference!